Sunday 11 June 2017

St Paul's Cathedral & Tower of London

Our Sunday began with attending a service at St Paul's Cathedral
It is so beautiful inside - words fail me to describe the art works, stained glass, wood work, marble, vaulted ceilings, and altar. All this coupled with the knowledge that we were worshipping in the same space that so many others have done for so many years gone by, made for a humbling experience.

Following this, we spent the majority of our day at the Tower of London today. Tower London
There was a rather convoluted lining up process to get through, but after a while (and Ken thinking he had mistakenly thrown out the tickets we bought online) we made it inside.
We began our tour of the Tower in the Crown Jewels exhibition before it got too crowded. It was simply dazzling! The jewels, the swords, the maces, the plates ... everything was amazing!
We moved from there to the Mint and saw coins from long ago, as well as the rather dangerous minting process. Following this was a visit to the armoury which was fascinating. The highlight of the day was the History Live performance "Defend the Tower" which took us back to three attempts to breach the Tower defences. This was so wonderfully done - we were all enthralled.
Time was taken to sit in the sun and enjoy lunch, to visit the spot where so many heads have fallen, and to look for the ravens that live in the Tower.

Taking the Tube to get to the Tower

Traitors gate

An archer overlooking the visitors

Where so many heads have been disconnected from bodies

History comes alive

Pleading with us to let her and her supporters in to the Tower grounds

Before heading to the Markets Old Spitalfields Markets  we stopped by Bloch UK ... because we had to! Ken and the boys were patient as I checked out the leotards and other dance necessities.
The Markets were full of wonderful designers and amazing smelling foods, but by this time our feet were very tired. We managed a quick detour to Westfield London to get Ken some new hiking shoes and joggers and headed home.